My name is Michelle Huddleston and I live in St Ives near Cambridge in the UK.
I first started breeding Maine Coons in 2019 with assistance from my mother-in-law Jackie of Jakatta Maine Coons and several of her friends (Phillipa Holmes of Noracoon, Lynette Cannell of Mabalakat and Laura Whitmarsh of Coonflakes) who were all long time established breeders.
I still work full time and my breeding very much an enjoyable hobby which helps me to relax. I like to show with GCCF and meet other breeders and potential pet owners.
I like to concentrate on healthy, well adjusted kittens of good type. I have decided to test all my breeding cats with the new mycatdna test which gives a very comprehensive report. This report shows not only the status of any DNA disorders known or thought to occur in the breed but also the status of ALL known DNA disorders that can currently be tested. The report also gives us a Genetic Diversity percentage and details of traits such as which gene’s the cat carries for example solid and dilute and the blood type. I am also working with Cambridge University Veterinary Hospital and having my breeding cats tested for HCM as per their recommendations. Please see my page on Health for more details.